

My research centers around compassion at work, leadership, and skill development. 

Recently, the majority of my research has focused on better understanding how interpersonal compassion functions within organizational contexts from both a theoretical and practical approach. 

Current projects can be seen to the right

Recent publications can be seen below

**For a full list of publications, please see my CV.

Compassion and Minoritized Identities

This qualitative study uses in-depth semi-structured interviews to explore the experiences of employees holding minoritized and marginalized identities. Our focus is on illuminating how their identity informs and changes their experiences of expressing suffering and receiving compassion at work. 

We are currently finalizing interviews and doing initial data analysis. 

Compassion and Leadership Dialectics

This project explores employees subjective experiences receiving compassion from organizational leaders. We explore how a variety of factors complicate employee sensemaking to render expression suffering and receiving compassion as extremely vulnerable, which further complicates leaders compassion efforts. This is being revised for submission.